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Home » Get involved » Surveys » Severe asthma survey 3TR
Are you, or do you know anyone, aged 6 – 17 years old with severe asthma?
Researchers at the University of Southampton are looking for young people aged 10-17 years old, and parents or carers of people aged 6 – 17 years old with severe asthma to help develop a new questionnaire. This questionnaire will measure how severe asthma affects everyday life. The answers can help doctors to give better support to young people to manage their asthma.
If you or someone you know would like to help, you will be asked to tell us what parts of life asthma affects the most, and what questions the new questionnaire should ask. This survey will take around 15 minutes of your time. Responses will be anonymous – no-one will know who took part. After the survey, you will receive a £10 voucher in appreciation of your time.
Please take the survey here: https://bit.ly/psaq-3. If you have any questions please email Anna Rattu, researcher from the university at severeasthma@soton.ac.uk.
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