NEw Understanding in the tReatment Of COUGH
The NEUROCOUGH Clinical Research Consortium is a pan-European multi-centre network that aims to improve the management of chronic cough. Chronic cough is a common and troublesome clinical problem and currently there are no specific treatments. We are creating a unique platform that brings together doctors, patients, researchers, and industrial partners, from across Europe and beyond, to exchange ideas and facilitate collaborations geared towards improved care and treatment for patients with cough. NEUROCOUGH will support the establishment of new specialist cough clinics and create clinical trial infrastructure throughout Europe.
To create a Registry of Europe-wide Specialist Cough Clinics operating according to agreed and standardised protocols
To establish a Europe-wide registry of ‘clinical trial ready’ chronic cough patients suitable for multi-centre experimental medicine studies and later phase precision medicine clinical trials
To promote education and patient/public engagement in the field of cough in conjunction with our partners the European Lung Foundation
To provide information on the clinical pattern and healthcare burden of chronic cough in primary care by analysing the Optimum Patient Care Research Database
To advocate for the inclusion of chronic cough as a distinct clinical condition in the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision
This event was organised by members of the ELF Cough Patient Advisory Group and medical experts from NEuroCough. It aimed to bring together patients and chronic cough experts to explain the condition and treatments available, give a platform to patients to share their experience and present an opportunity for people to ask questions about the condition.
ERS Vision presents a series of videos covering the latest advances in respiratory medicine to support health professionals to continually improve their practice.
This ERS Vision Live panel discussion is focused on ‘Cough: new therapies’.
The expert panelists will discuss the following topics: