ELF Long-COVID Patient Conference


The virtual Long-COVID Patient Conference took place on Saturday 10 July from 10:00-14:00 CEST/09:00-13:00 BST. Registration is now closed. You can watch the full event below.

Topics included:

  • What is Long-COVID?
  • Insights from patients
  • Research into Long-COVID
  • Treatment, rehabilitation and support

There were opportunities to ask questions on the day to our panel of health experts and patients.

The event was chaired by Professor James Chalmers, Clinical Professor at the University of Dundee, alongside a patient with long-COVID.

Speakers included:

  • Dr. Betty Raman, University of Oxford
  • Prof. Danny Altmann, Professor of Immunology at Imperial College London
  • Prof. Stefano Aliberti, Associate Professor and Consultant, University of Milan
  • Representatives from Longfonds Netherlands, Asthma UK/British Lung Foundation, the DRAGON project and the Pulmonary Rehabilitation clinic, Sotiria Hospital, Athens

The conference was free to attend.

View full conference video

Here you can watch the full conference which has been split into three videos.

Watch individual conference sessions

Are you interested in a specific topic? Here you can watch some of the individual conference sessions.


Mari Anne Ingebretsen - profile image
Mari Anne Ingebretsen

James Chalmers - profile image
James Chalmers


Betty Raman - profile image
Betty Raman

Maarten Van Herck - profile image
Maarten Van Herck

Stefano Aliberti - profile image
Stefano Aliberti

Brice van Eeckhout - profile image
Brice van Eeckhout

Danny Altmann - profile image
Danny Altmann

Ourania Koltsida - profile image
Ourania Koltsida