Breathe Clean Air patient conference

The first in our series of Air Pollution and Climate Change patient conferences.



Do you feel like your lung condition gets worse when you’re in a city but are not sure why? Are you concerned about air pollution but don’t know what to do? Do you want to know more about the causes of indoor air pollution?

We know that air pollution and climate change have an enormous impact on people with a lung condition, and want to explore the science behind why, as well as look at ways you can mitigate the impact, and advocate for better policy around air pollution and climate change.

As this topic is so vast, this event, on Thursday 7 December 2023, focused on the issues of indoor and outdoor air pollution. We hope to cover more related themes in future events.

Event recording

Breathe Clean Air patient conference 2023 event recording


Session 1: Welcome and introduction

Opening speech and overview of the science behind these major issues and how they are impacting our health.

Session 2: Outdoor air pollution

A collection of patient stories and their advice on mitigation, with input from health care professionals on any new research and advice.

Session 3: Indoor air pollution

A collection of patient stories and their advice on mitigation, with input from healthcare professionals on any new research and advice.

Session 4: Looking to the future

The importance of patient voices in advocating for better policies. Understanding your impact and what you can do to support clean air policy.

Speakers, chairs and contributors

Kjeld Hansen - profile image
Kjeld Hansen

Kjeld Hansen was the Chair of the European Lung Foundation 2020-23. He is an experienced patient advocate and has been involved in a wide range of research and advocacy activities to improve care for respiratory patients. Kjeld has moderate to severe asthma. In his professional life, he works at Kristiania University College Oslo, Norway and is also associated with Copenhagen Business School in Fredericksburg, Denmark.

Olivia Fulton - profile image
Olivia Fulton
United Kingdom

Olivia Fulton is a severe asthma patient advocate from Edinburgh, Scotland. Olivia is the Patient Co-Chair of the Severe Heterogenous Asthma Research collaboration, Patient-Centred (SHARP), helping to ensure research focuses on the priorities of people living with severe asthma. Olivia is involved with a wide range of organisations to improve treatment and care including the European Lung Foundation, Asthma and Lung UK, Cochrane and ICU Steps. Olivia has delivered training to researchers and health professionals around involving patients and members of the public in research and shared her experiences at many conferences.

Zorana Jovanovic Andersen - profile image
Zorana Jovanovic Andersen
Previous ERS Environment and Health Committee Chair

Zorana Jovanovic Andersen is a Professor in Environmental Epidemiology at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, and previous Chair of the European Respiratory Society Environment and Health Committee.
Her main research areas include health effects of long-term exposures to air pollution, where she is leading several projects on with a range of different diseases, including cardiovascular and metabolic disease, chronic and infectious respiratory disease, cancer, and dementia. Her other areas of research include health effects of road traffic noise, environmental exposures and aging, interaction between air pollution and physical activity, health effects of ultrafine particles based on Google Air View data in Copenhagen, air pollution and COVID-19, capacity building in air pollution in environmental epidemiology in Serbia and Western Balkans.

She is the ERS Environment and Health Committee Chair.

Dominique Hamerlijnck - profile image
Dominique Hamerlijnck

Dominique Hamerlijnck has a Masters in Philosophy, specialised in ethics and a Masters in Business Administration. Dominique is one of the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) fellows.
Dominique has worked as a patient expert especially in the field of severe asthma. She has been successful in getting the patient voice heard and included in development in care and medicine and device development. Dominique is involved in the SHARP Severe Heterogenous Asthma Research collaboration, Patient-Centered Clinical Research Collaboration and many other research projects.

Tessa Jelen - profile image
Tessa Jelen
Asthma and Lung UK Westminster Support Group

Tess Jelen has been actively running a British Lung Foundation (now Asthma and Lung UK) Westminster Support Group for 10 years, helping about 200 members.
She is passionate about sharing information and is an advocate for social prescribing. Further details through

Katherine Wylie - profile image
Katherine Wylie
Fundraising & stakeholder engagement
Sophie Perroud - profile image
Sophie Perroud
Health and Environmental Alliance

Sophie is HEAL’s EU Policy Coordinator, coordinating HEAL’s overall policy input into decision-making processes, representing the views of HEAL to the EU institutions, and building capacity among HEAL’s membership.

Cristina Pricop - profile image
Cristina Pricop
European Public Health Alliance

At EPHA, Cristina works with European and national member organisations of EPHA to develop policy positions, build advocacy and establish communication campaigns on air pollution. Recently, her projects have focused on the impact of residential heating and cooking on indoor and outdoor air quality. She is particularly passionate about contributing to a structural and sustainable shift away from polluting fuels, and about the health and climate co-benefits that this can bring.

Cristina holds a master’s degree in Political Science from the Central European University in Hungary and a bachelor’s in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick in the UK. Before joining EPHA, she was based in Bucharest, where she gained experience in the civil society sector and with the European Commission Representation in Romania.

Vildana Mujkic - profile image
Vildana Mujkic
Bosnia and Herzegovina

President of the Association of patients with asthma, allergies and atopic dermatitis in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Jonathan Grigg - profile image
Jonathan Grigg
Queen Mary University of London

Jonathan Grigg is the leading UK paediatrician in the effects of air pollution. His research has identified the mechanisms whereby inhalation of particles increases vulnerability to bacterial infection. These studies have informed the public on the risks of air pollution, and influenced national policy. He was a lead author of the Royal College of Physicians’ Report on the long-term effects of air pollution. In the area of paediatric respiratory medicine, he has led major independent and industry trials of new and existing asthma therapies.

Support ELF events

ELF does not charge for its events and materials. We want to make sure they are available to anybody who wishes to join or use them. To ensure we can keep doing this we ask that those who can afford to pay to make a donation. We are grateful to everyone who supports us in this way and helps lung health patients to understand more about their condition and have their voices heard.
