Healthy Lungs for Life

Healthy Lungs for Life Milan 2023

We have a full Healthy Lungs for Life events at this year’s ERS Congress in Milan programme focusinging on this years theme #BreatheCleanAir, and are happy to bring #TakeTheActiveOption back to Congress with out Tuesday morning activity. See below for all details and to register for events if required:    

08/09/2023 - 13/09/2023

#BreatheCleanAir public event in partnership with Forestami

Come doewn to our clean air pavillion in the city centre and have a free spirometry test. You can also find out about the work of Forestami in the local region as well as more on our Healthy Lungs for Life campaiogn.

When: 8 September, 12:00 – 19:00 and 9 September, 09:00 – 17:00.

Where: Piazza XXV Aprile

Coffee and clean air

Join us for a coffee on the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of the ERS Congress to find out more about the impact of air pollution on health, meet the experts, and find out what you can do to support clean air policy in your area.

When: Sunday 10, Monday 11, Tuesday 12 September, 10.30 – 11.30

Where: World Village auditorium

#TakeTheActiveOption @ Congress

Do you want to keep up your fitness regime and support the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign? Then sign up to our event and join your fellow congress delegates in a run or walk.

When: Tuesday 12 September

Where: CityLife Park


Building support for clean air policies: empowering the respiratory community to advocate for clean air locally, nationally and internationally

Join our workshop to find out more on how to engage the public in clean air policy and gain support. We will start with a networking session before the workshop so stakeholders can meet each other and discuss ideas.

When: Wednesday 10:00 – 10:30 networkig. !0:30 – 12:45 workshop.

Where: Rooms blue 1 and 2

Please find the full list of speakers here :