Mother and child looking at a tablet

3TR Researchers Have Developed The Core Outcome Measures sets for children and adults with Severe Asthma (COMSA)

Led by the 3TR consortium, a European multi-stakeholder working group has developed  ‘Core Outcome Measures sets for paediatric and adult Severe Asthma’ (COMSA). Core outcome measures (COM) are a set of tools that should be used in all studies about a specific topic. You can learn more about COM in this short video. Until now, asthma researchers have not used a standard set of measures to understand whether or not biological therapies work. Biological therapies or ‘biologics’ are specialist treatments for some types of severe asthma. The international working group has filled this gap with the COMSA. This will enable better data creation and assessment of biologics in childhood and adult asthma clinical trials. The COMSA will serve as a basis for future clinical trials and allow researchers to compare results between studies more easily.

They were formed under the leadership of Ekaterina Khaleva, Graham Roberts, Ratko Djukanovic and Anna Rattu from the University of Southampton, and developed by representatives from across Europe and North America.

European Lung Foundation (ELF) and European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (EFA) supported the study to understand the perspectives of people living with severe asthma. With this strong backing, the following COM were selected by the 3TR researchers, patients, clinicians, pharmaceutical representatives, and health authorities.

Watch this video to find out how the COMSA were developed, which outcomes were selected and why they are important.

Core Outcome Measures Set selected for children with severe asthma


Core Outcome Measures Set selected for adults with severe asthma

3TR’s asthma experts expect that the results of this patient-centred collaboration will:

  • help inform which core outcome measures are used in future clinical trials,
  • improve the ability to compare how well biologic medicines work,
  • help assess the value for money of biologic medicines, and
  • improve therapy for people with severe asthma and maximize their quality of life.

Read the research paper for more information:

Development of Core Outcome Measures sets for paediatric and adult Severe Asthma (COMSA).



Funding: The 3TR project is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement number: 831434. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). The funder had no role in the design, conduct or write up of the narrative review or decision to publish. Further details about the 3TR project and IMI funding programme are available on their websites: and


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