Breathe Better: Digital booklet to manage COPD

The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) is looking for a COPD patient representative to join a project which is developing a digital booklet for people with COPD.

Our colleagues at the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) are starting a project to develop an interactive digital booklet for people with COPD that their network of primary care practitioners can recommend to their patients. The booklet will link to short films and illustrations reviewed by the IPCRG which demonstrate how to breathe better and be more physically active. If they cannot find any good existing material, they will develop new material to fill the gap.

They are looking for someone affected by COPD to join the Steering Group to provide the patient perspective. This will involve joining some Zoom calls with five other Steering Group members who are researchers and physiotherapists interested in this topic.

The patient representative will be required to:

  • help decide what activities to search for and where;
  • recommend good films and illustrations (in any language);
  • share what they would like to see included, for example any particular breathing techniques or positions demonstrated; and
  • suggest any other activities.

There is an honorarium for this work.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact by 4 January 2022.