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On October 30, 2024, the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation hosted the “Healthy Lungs for Life” public health event in collaboration with the European Lung Foundation. This event aimed to raise awareness of lung health, promote smoking cessation, and engage the community through educational and health-focused activities. Over 100 attendees participated, with more than 20 undergoing spirometry tests to assess lung function.
Key features included health information sessions, free spirometry testing, and distribution of resources like leaflets and posters. The event extended its reach via social media updates, local radio announcements, and media partnerships, reinforcing the significance of maintaining healthy lungs and quitting smoking.
The event’s outcomes highlighted the importance of regular lung function monitoring and smoking cessation, though challenges like limited accessibility to cessation resources were noted. Moving forward, the center plans to enhance outreach through broader collaborations, integrate spirometry into routine health screenings, and develop structured smoking cessation programs. The event marked a significant step in promoting healthier, smoke-free lives within the community.
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