WOman breathing clean air in a city

Dominique Hamerlijnck Speaks at European Healthy Air Coalition Webinar

Dominique Hamerlijnck, a patient expert and member of the ELF asthma patient advisory group, spoke at a webinar organised by the EU Healthy Air Coalition. during the online policy brief Clean Air for Life. 

Air pollution is the top environmental threat to people’s health across the European Union and with the influx of new members of the European parliament (MEPs), ELF and ERS are working to ensure it remains a high priority in European politics. The EU Healthy Air Coalition officially brings together non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that have already been working together to improve environmental legislation to improve health outcomes.  

During this online policy discussion, speakers and members of the healthy air coalition shared opportunities for disease prevention through revised air quality standards with EU decision makers.  

Dominique attended this webinar to speak about the experience of living with a lung condition and how air pollution affects her daily life. Examples of EU city tools were discussed, including Amsterdam, where an app is available to the public to detect the current levels of pollution in certain areas. 

 “People go about their day without thinking of the danger of just breathing.” – Dominique Hamerlijnck 

For more information on the healthy air coalition, please visit their website.