Lung cancer

ELF calls for introduction of lung cancer screening programmes

ELF participated in the European Commission call for evidence to provide recommendations for the introduction of lung cancer screening with low radiation dose computed tomography.

Last month ELF participated in the European Commission call for evidence on cancer screening. The call was together with the European Respiratory Society (ERS), European Society for Radiology (ESR), European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) and Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE). The joint submission summarises the benefits of lung cancer screening with low radiation dose computed tomography (LDCT).

2 out of 3 people with lung cancer are diagnosed at a late stage when surgery is no longer an option. In contrast, 3 out of 4 participants in LDCT screening are diagnosed at an early stage when a cure is more likely. The authors compiled arguments to demonstrate that lung cancer screening with LDCT for high-risk individuals is feasible, beneficial and safe. The document concludes it is at least as effective as other cancer screening programmes.

This position found strong support from a comprehensive evidence review published by Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) on 2 March 2022. This review states that there is strong scientific evidence to support the introduction of lung cancer screening programmes for the European Union (EU).

Considering these recent developments, ELF is positive about the inclusion of LDCT lung cancer screening programmes in the EU Council cancer screening guidelines in 2022.


Read the joint submission on LDCT

Read the ERS position

Read the SAPEA evidence review