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Home » ELF contributes to the creation of a mental health strategy
In February 2023, ELF provided feedback to the EU consultation on mental health.
Last month, ELF answered the European Commission’s Call for Evidence to promote good mental health. With the valuable help of scientific sources and the testimonials of the Patient Advisory Groups, ELF provided insight on the mental health of people with respiratory diseases and proposed 8 objectives that could help respond to mental health challenges.
The aim of the European Commission (EC) is to promote good mental health and to prevent, mitigate, and respond to mental health challenges. To achieve this, the EC intends to factor mental health considerations into a wide variety of resilient EU and national policies.
We presented our position on the mental health and psychological needs of people living with respiratory diseases with the aim of providing insight into how mental health and lung conditions are connected. We proposed the following objectives:
Read the full ELF answer to this consultation: https://europeanlung.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Mental-health-consultation_Final.pdf
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