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Home » ELF welcomes launch of JARED: An EU initiative to tackle long-term lung conditions
The launch of JARED marks a significant step forward for lung health across Europe, being the first official EU action focused on long-term lung conditions. ELF is proud to support this important initiative.
ELF is pleased to see the launch of the Joint Action on REspiratory Diseases (JARED), the first collaborative effort between EU Member States to address long-term lung conditions on such a wide scale. ELF is happy to see this important and positive initiative begin, marking an important step in improving lung health across Europe.
JARED is a three-year project with nearly €5 million in funding from the EU4Health programme. It brings together 14 EU Member States, Iceland, Ukraine and Moldova, all under the leadership of Hungary. This historic project will focus on a range of important areas, including strengthening prevention, improving early detection of diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), expanding vaccination programmes and enhancing self-management for people living with long-term lung conditions.
The project also aims to improve access to diagnostic tools and increase health literacy among those affected by these conditions.
As the first official EU action dedicated to long-term lung conditions, JARED represents a major milestone for public health in Europe. ELF fully supports this collaborative effort and believes it will make a real difference in the lives of people living with long-term lung conditions, particularly vulnerable groups.
Learn more: Joint Action on Respiratory Diseases launched
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