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Home » ERS/ELF statement of solidarity and support to those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Lung Foundation (ELF) stand in solidarity with those members of our communities impacted by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
War and healthcare are enemies. War displaces healthcare infrastructure; it injures, kills, makes the vulnerable more vulnerable, and prevents the people best equipped to help from doing so.
For the respiratory community, this devastating situation follows the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been the most challenging time in recent history. We are deeply saddened by these developments.
We pledge our support to our affected members, partner organisations, people living with lung diseases, staff and friends in and from these countries.
We call on the European Union, the United Nations, WHO Europe and other UN agencies, humanitarian organisations and the international community at large to protect all victims of this conflict, particularly those living with or treating lung disease.
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ELF is a non-profit organisation registered as a UK company (VAT no. GB 115 0027 74) and charity (no. 1118930).
Our Brussels office enterprise number is 0738.383.695
European Lung Foundation's TR ID number in the Transparency Register is: 094039644810-79