Healthy Lungs for Life

FIRS joins Healthy Lungs for Life to offer grants for World Lung Day activities

Ahead of World Lung Day (25 September 2022), the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) will be joining ELF in offering grants of up to €1,000 to support Healthy Lungs for Life activities and events, specifically in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Lower income countries bear a disproportionately high burden of lung illness, but too often it is overlooked and underreported. ELF and FIRS want to change that, so we would love you to help.

We want everyone to be involved in spreading the message that we can all take active steps to look after our lungs and improve the air we breathe.

Think about what affects lung health where you live. Is it smoking? Or the air quality where you work or live? Are you worried about the impact of climate change? If you’re ready to campaign about these issues, we want to hear from you! There’s lots of resources and tips to help you get your campaign off the ground.

Apply before 31 July 2022 to be included in this round of applications.

Please see our report page for some examples of amazing events that have been held before in LMICs.