Healthy Lungs for Life

Free registration to ERS Congress 2021 for best abstracts in patient-centred research and Healthy Lungs for Life topics

European Lung Foundation (ELF) will be offering free registration to the ERS International Congress 2021 to the author of the best abstract in patient-centred research and the best abstract in one of the topics covered by the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign.  

Patient-centred research award 


The award for patient-centred research will be given to the abstract which best demonstrates the most effective and impactful example of patient involvement in medical research. Patient-centred research involves patients in the process of identifying and prioritising research needs. It engages patients in the design and running of studies, and may also gather information about patient experiences to inform on research and clinical practice. 

Healthy Lungs for Life award 


Healthy Lungs for Life is a global lung health awareness campaign, raising awareness of the importance of healthy lungs through a range of events, projects and promotional activities. The Healthy Lungs for Life award will go to the author of the most newsworthy abstract related to one or more of the campaign themes, which are: air quality, stopping smoking, physical activity and vaccination. This grant recognises the importance of research into some of the keys ways of protecting lung health. 


The authors of the best abstracts on these topics will be awarded a free registration to present their research at the ERS International Congress 2021. 

How to apply 


Apply when submitting your abstract for the ERS Congress 2021:  

Deadline: 11 February 2021