Have you had COVID-19 in the last 6 months? Share your experiences in a new global study

We are looking for people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 6 months to share their experiences as part of one of the first global studies on long-COVID.

The University of Maastricht in the Netherlands is leading one of the first global studies on long-COVID. The study is part of the DRAGON project, which the European Lung Foundation (ELF) is a partner in. 

According to several experts, up to 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 have significant symptoms 2 months after diagnosis. Yet long-COVID is very poorly understood. What are the long-term symptoms and risks? Professor P. Lambin from the Department of Precision Medicine at the University of Maastricht said, “To answer those questions, we first need to gather data from the patients.”  

About the study

The study will gather information from people who have had COVID-19 within the past 6 months to better understand symptoms. It will look at: 

  • how often symptoms show,  
  • how severe symptoms are,  
  • how long symptoms last for, and  
  • how long it takes for the patient to recover.  

The aim of the study is to improve treatment recommendations. It also aims to improve the information that patients have about their illness. 

You can join the study if you:

  • are 18 years old and over,
  • have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 6 months,
  • are not pregnant, and
  • are comfortable using a smart phone

They will monitor the participants using an app that they have developed. Participants will need to complete questionnaires on the app at specific points during a 12-month period. Participants do not need to have experienced long-term COVID-19 symptoms to take part.

Patient story of long-COVID

Fran, a member of the ELF COVID-19 Patient Advisory Group (PAG), shares her experience of long-COVID. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early 2021. A year later, she still suffers from symptoms. 

Read Fran’s story.

Would you like to get involved in the study?

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 6 months, we would love to hear from you.

Share your experiences

About the DRAGON project

The DRAGON project is coordinated by the University of Maastricht and led by Radiomics. Partners include the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and ELF as well as high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, academic research institutes, and biotechnology and pharmacological organisations. The project will use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to deliver a patient-centred decision support system to improve diagnosis and patient outcomes.   

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101005122.The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.