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Home » Join the World Asthma Day 2023 Live Advocacy Discussion
To mark World Asthma Day (2 May 2023) the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) are co-organising a dedicated advocacy session to discuss key updates to recommendations about asthma management for adults, adolescents and children.
This live advocacy discussion will take place from 17:00 – 18:00 CEST on 2 May 2023.
During the event the new GINA 2023 strategy report will be presented on the day of its release. Aside from disease management, the webinar will also include discussion about how climate change and air pollution can affect asthma patients, and what clinicians can do to select the most appropriate inhaler for their patients.
ELF Chair Kjeld Hansen is one of the 5 panelists at the event. He will provide his patient perspective on asthma management and what is needed for a healthier future for asthma patients.
The programme features the following presentations:
Learn more about the event and register here.
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