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Home » Lung cancer screening: increasing the uptake in seldom heard groups
A focus of the SOLACE project is looking at how to reach communities that are rarely heard within healthcare. In September, the project delivered training to members of the Roma community in Hungary.
SOLACE, an EU-funded project, is aiming to support the roll-out of lung cancer screening programmes in Europe. Survival rates for lung cancer are much higher when it is caught early and can reduce deaths by up to 20%. However, screening is often not accessed by people who are most at risk from the condition.
A key focus of the SOLACE project is looking at how to reach communities that are not often heard within healthcare. In September, the project delivered training to members of the Roma community in Hungary. This training will allow the community to raise awareness of SOLACE and the benefits of lung cancer screening. It is hoped that these activities will increase participation in screening programmes by addressing the barriers that people might face to access them.
Find out more about the project: www.solacelung.eu
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