Twinning CF communities across Europe
Cystic Fibrosis Europe is excited to announce the expansion of the Twinning Project, in collaboration with European Cystic Fibrosis Society and thanks to the support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Twinning Expansion Project aims to build up friendships and partnerships between CF communities in different countries. It does so, first of all, by twinning one expert CF centre with a long-term outstanding history in CF care known as the “mentor site” to a “mentee site”, a centre with the ambition to improve clinical outcomes through the guidance, advice and collaboration of a well-established CF centre. Nine twins were established in 2020. After launching a new call to CF care providers in Europe last year, they had an impressive number of applications. The Twinning Expansion Project team is pleased to announce 21 new mentee CF Centres being mentored by 19 CF Centres. You can find out more on Cystic Fibrosis Europe (CFE) and European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) websites.