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Home » Promoting Lung Health using Safe, Clean and Reliable Energy (PLuS-CaRE) in Nigeria
The Promoting Lung Health using Safe, Clean and Reliable Energy sources (PLuSCaRE) event was conceived with the aim of encouraging local food vendors who own local restaurants in the Bayero University Kano community to utilise clean and reliable cooking energy sources. The major aim of the talk was to increase awareness of the negative impact of using unclean energy on lung health via one-on-one, face-to-face campaign talks.
The PLuSCaRE project also involved measuring air quality around cooking areas, distributing information on leaflets to pass on to their customers, fixing banners within premises, distributing five 6kg cylinders filled with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)+ accessories to select participants well as handing out other gift items such as face masks, caps, t-shirts, and kitchen aprons branded with the theme of the project.
The main event took place on Sunday 25 September 2022 at the Coke Village Market of the New Campus of Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. Since the event was also in commemoration of the World Lung Day, our event banners and other event items featured that. Volunteers arrived at the venue shortly after midday when the market had more traffic. They proceeded to all the restaurants in the market as instructed by the facilitators. Here, each volunteer then took their time to explain the objective of the campaign, the importance of using clean cooking energy, and also highlighted the dangers of using unclean and unsafe energy sources on the lung health. The volunteers were also tasked with measuring the air quality of the cooking areas again. Thereafter, they proceeded to distribute all the branded items, accordingly.
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