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Home » Research priorities for children and young people with bronchiectasis
To address the lack of published research priorities for children and young people with bronchiectasis, the ERS Task Force for childhood bronchiectasis and the European Lung Foundation (ELF) and its Childhood Bronchiectasis Patient Advisory Group have created an international roadmap of clinical and research priorities which will help inform changes that will benefit the lives of children and young people with bronchiectasis.
The roadmap was based on two international surveys: one with parents of children and young people as well as adults diagnosed with bronchiectasis in childhood and the second with healthcare professionals working in the paediatric bronchiectasis field.
Based on both surveys, the top 10 research priorities were obtained and you can read more about the survey findings and the consensus priorities in: Clinical and Research priorities for children and young people with bronchiectasis: an international roadmap published in ERJ Open Research.
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