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Home » Roundup of news from the SOLACE project
Since its launch in April 2023, the SOLACE project (Strengthening the screening of Lung Cancer in Europe) has advanced its communication materials, achieved important milestones and been presented at international conferences. ELF has been actively involved in the dissemination and communication of the project, including creating flyers aimed at the various groups that the project wants to reach out to.
For example, in order to improve female participation, posters were created in seven different languages (English, Croatian, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Italian and Polish) that address the specific needs of each country. They encourage women with a higher risk of developing lung cancer to go for a screening so that it can be detected at an earlier stage where it is more likely to be curable.
As part of the SOLACE project, a flyer aimed at higher-risk populations was created that explains the importance of early detection, as well as who should be having a lung health test on a more regular basis. Finally, the project has a flyer that was created to provide general information about the project and it is meant for the general public.
If you want to learn more about the project and get all the latest updates, you can visit the SOLACE website and subscribe to the SOLACE Stakeholder Advisory Forum.
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European Lung Foundation's TR ID number in the Transparency Register is: 094039644810-79