Grant reports

Spotlight on healthy lungs in Pakistan

A range of awareness-raising activities have taken part in Pakistan this year, thanks to a grant from the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign.

A number of events were held that targeted people with lung conditions, young people and those at risk of poor lung health.

One part of the campaign took place in the District Teaching & General Hospital Gujranwala. Pamphlets and informative materials were given out to outpatients in a TB department and shared on social media, focusing on how to quit smoking. The campaign reached at least 50-60 families directly with more accessing the messages online.

A workshop also took place for college students, focusing on the importance of physical activity in their lives. The workshop aimed to encourage participants to become Healthy Lungs for Life advocates and to share the knowledge they gained with other students and friends on social media channels and face-to-face.

One final event targeted people who work alongside busy roads in Gujranwala. Healthcare professionals delivered information leaflets at a gathering of rickshaw drivers. The messages focused on the importance of clean air for lung health and the damaging effects of road-side air pollution. Two roadside workers and four rickshaw drivers agreed to be advocates for Healthy Lungs for Life and spread the message among their friends and colleagues.