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Home » WHO Vaccine Equity call to action
A lack of supply and unbalanced distribution of vaccines still remains the biggest threat to ending the COVID-19 pandemic and allowing the world – and particularly people living with lung conditions – to return to normal life. As long as the virus continues to circulate anywhere, lives will be impacted across the globe. If COVID-19 continues to spread, there is also the risk that new variants will develop that are not protected for by the current vaccines on offer.
Together, we must continue to push for vaccines to be both equitably distributed and equitably produced throughout 2021 and beyond.
ELF has recently signed the WHO Vaccine Equity call to action – which calls on global, national and local leaders to accelerate the equitable rollout of vaccines in every country, starting with health workers and those at highest risk for COVID-19. This includes scaling up vaccine manufacturing and rejecting vaccine nationalism at every turn.
We encourage all of you do to the same: https://www.who.int/campaigns/annual-theme/year-of-health-and-care-workers-2021/vaccine-equity-declaration
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Our Brussels office enterprise number is 0738.383.695
European Lung Foundation's TR ID number in the Transparency Register is: 094039644810-79