Aspergillosis PAG activities

PAGs are set up to contribute to ELF and ERS priority-setting, and input into projects such as Task Forces and Clinical Research Collaborations (CRCs). PAGs may also contribute to other initiatives such as EU projects and ERS assemblies. Some PAGs may initiate their own patient-driven projects.

The Aspergillosis PAG was set up in 2020 when ELF got involved in a new research collaboration. Learn more about their activities here:

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress

The annual ERS Congress can provide a number of opportunities for ELF PAGs. Aspergillosis PAG members have played an important role in ensuring that patients have a platform and a voice at the event and some have represented their organisations at our annual Patient Organisation Networking Day.

Contributing to ELF resources on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Contributing to ELF resources on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Contributing to ELF resources on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) happens when people overuse medications used to fight the bugs that cause many common diseases.


Members of the Aspergillosis PAG helped to produce a new resource on AMR in 2023, which discusses who it affects, how it occurs and what can be done to prevent it.


Learn more.



Members of the Aspergillosis PAG work alongside scientists and healthcare professionals to improve diagnosis and care for the condition. The PAG are involved in setting research priorities and in identifying information and education gaps for patients and healthcare professionals.


Learn more.