Congress & Events

Healthy Lungs for Life: Vienna 2024

Our Healthy Lungs for Life campaign visited Vienna for the ERS Congress. This year, we focused on the importance of looking after our lungs. We held public lung function testing events, sessions in schools and our annual #TakeTheActiveOption event. Find out more about our activities below.

About the event

The Healthy Lungs for Life campaign is run by the European Lung Foundation (ELF) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS). The campaign is aimed at everyone whether you have a lung condition or not. It focusses on five key themes to raise awareness of the best ways we can keep our lungs healthy and reduce the amount of lung disease experienced by people worldwide.

This year, we worked together with local stakeholders, adjusting the activities to meet the needs of the city of Vienna. Our local stakeholders were;

  • The Educational Board of Vienna
  • The University of Vienna
  • Local patient groups
  • Local organisations who have helped organising the events.


With thanks to NDD for making the spirometry equipment available

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