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Home » Projects and campaigns » Healthy Lungs for Life » Hold your own event » Healthy Lungs for Life event and grant reports
Since the start of the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign, thousands of people have attended events across Europe and the rest of the world. Organisers have ensured that the important messages of the campaign are heard across the globe. Learn more about the Healthy Lungs for Life grant activities and events here.
This is an interactive map of Healthy Lungs for Life events. Zoom, drag and hover over the map and its countries to learn more.
The Healthy Lungs for Life micro grants have funded more than 60 events in 32 countries across the world.
This map highlights countries who have held their own Healthy Lungs for Life event. Often these organisation have received a micro grant designed to help organisations around the world to run events and engage communities in conversations and activities around lung health. By offering this level of support we have been able to increase the impact and visibility in locations that would otherwise be out of reach.
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ELF is a non-profit organisation registered as a UK company (VAT no. GB 115 0027 74) and charity (no. 1118930).
Our Brussels office enterprise number is 0738.383.695
European Lung Foundation's TR ID number in the Transparency Register is: 094039644810-79