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Home » Projects and campaigns » Healthy Lungs for Life » Hold your own event » Healthy Lungs for Life event reports » Lung testing event for street traders in Lagos, Nigeria
A lung function testing event in Lagos, Nigeria aimed to raise awareness of the adverse health effects of traffic-related air pollution among street traders at one of the biggest markets in the city.
The event, held on World Lung Day, 25 September 2019, took place at Mushin Market, which is located along a busy major express way, with a high volume of street trading at the road side. It aimed to educate traders and the general public on the adverse health effects of air pollution, as well as offer free lung function testing and blood pressure measurements, making appropriate referrals as needed.
The event was organised by the respiratory unit of the Department of Medicine in the College of Medicine, University of Lagos and the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital. The HLfL grant was awarded to Dr. Obianuju Ozoh who is a Senior Lecturer at the University, a Consultant Physician and Pulmonologist.
108 people attended the event and this included traders and residents from the local area. 55 lung function tests were completed, and those that required specialist care based on symptoms and abnormal lung function tests were referred to nearby hospitals. Three sessions of health talks for different groups of attendees were held in the local languages.
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