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Home » Projects and campaigns » Healthy Lungs for Life » Hold your own event » Healthy Lungs for Life event reports » Healthy Lungs for Life events for mine workers in Tanzania
A range of Healthy Lungs for Life events took place in Tanzania, funded by grants from the campaign. The events took place in an area of the Simanjiro District, where an estimated 11,000 people work in the mining industry.
As well as being exposed to mining dust, a significant proportion of mine workers have a history of cigarette smoking and chewing tobacco.
The aim of the activities, organised by staff at the Kibong’oto Infectious Diseases Hospital, was to put a spotlight on lung health by sharing factsheets from the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign and talking to the mining community about the risk factors for a range of lung conditions. The team also held an event with loudspeakers and an information stall for the general public in the area to learn more about the campaign.
The events proved to be very beneficial. The mine workers were very welcoming and interested in the educational talks, and many members of the public engaged with the information being provided.
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