Validation of a (semi)-automatic measurement and control platform for centralized, simultaneous electronic nose (eNose) analyses in multi-centre trials

Breath analysis by eNose technology represents a promising diagnostic tool in lung disease. The next step in making this technology suitable for multi-centre trials, such as the U-BIOPRED study, is to facilitate centralized (semi)-automatic measurements on multiple eNoses simultaneously. Read the abstract
Authors: Brinkman P, van der Schee MP
Publication type: Academic Publication
Published: 2011

What is a Bronchoscopy and why is it important?

An information booklet about bronchoscopy, including patients’ experiences of the procedure.
Publication type: Project Resources
Published: 2013

Working with patients to raise public awareness of clinical trials in severe asthma: U-BIOPRED

To show how people with asthma are working with the European Lung Foundation (ELF) and patient organisations to effectively communicate the aims and achievements of the U-BIOPRED clinical trial to people with asthma and the public. 
Authors: Masefield S, Powell P, U-BIOPRED Patient Input Platform (PIP)
Publication type: Academic Publication
Published: 2014

Writing lay abstracts

A guide to writing summaries of academic papers for the public
Publication type: Project Resources
Published: 2012