Collaboration in COPD Exacerbations (CICERO)

Aim of the project: To improve understanding, treatment and outcomes for patients experiencing COPD exacerbations, a sudden worsening of COPD symptoms.

Patient input:  Members of ELF’s COPD Patient Advisory Group bring their lived experience to the project. They have supported a patient survey to check what and when to measure during and after COPD exacerbations.

Get involved
Find out more about the project and follow them on Twitter for regular updates: @CICERO_CRC
Find out more and join the COPD patient advisory group.

Core Outcome Set for the Management of Acute Exacerbations of COPD

Aim of the project: To agree which outcomes are most important to use in research for COPD exacerbations, a sudden worsening of COPD symptoms.

Patient input: Patient representatives from all over the world have participated in interviews, a survey and a consensus meeting to prioritise which aspects of COPD exacerbations are most important to them. The project is supported by ELF’s COPD Patient Advisory Group who helped to make the project information for patients was easy to understand.


Aim of the project: 3TR is the largest project ever funded under the EU IMI scheme, focussing on autoimmune, inflammatory and allergic diseases including COPD and asthma. The project aims to provide insights into mechanisms of response and non-response to treatment across different diseases.

Patient input:  Two respiratory patient working groups, for adults and adolescents, support the project. They have been involved in identifying treatment outcomes, such as quality of life, which are important from a patient perspective. They also discuss the design of research studies to make sure that patients participating in research are well informed and looked after.

Get involved
Find out more about the project on 3TR website.
Join the respiratory patient working group by emailing