Our core content on Lung conditions and related factsheets has been translated to a number of other languages.
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Our core content on Lung conditions and related factsheets has been translated to a number of other languages by our volunteer team.
For more languages explore all available Factsheet translations.
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Although bronchiectasis is now receiving growing recognition and consideration, we are aware that over past decades many people with bronchiectasis have not been properly diagnosed and treated.
We want to learn about the difficulties you faced up until you received a diagnosis, as well as how helpful you found treatment during this time.
In particular we would like to know more about your experiences and challenges of performing regular chest clearance/physiotherapy (airway clearance), as well as your choice and use of devices for inhalation of prescribed drugs if applicable.
The survey has been developed by bronchiectasis healthcare experts and patients with bronchiectasis from across Europe and its findings will help to improve diagnosis, treatment and education for bronchiectasis.
The survey is for people with bronchiectasis and their relatives to complete and is available online in English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Airwaysclearance
and in Hebrew at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/XQBHQWH
The surveys will remain live until 31 January 2021.
Please circulate the survey link to anyone who might be willing to complete the survey.
We have produced some posters/flyers so if you can use these to promote, please download in: English, Dutch, Greek, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Hebrew.
Sign up to get the latest information and research on lung conditions, hear about our upcoming events and campaigns, plus views from experts and patients! You can unsubscribe at any time.
ELF is a non-profit organisation registered as a UK company (VAT no. GB 115 0027 74) and charity (no. 1118930).
Our Brussels office enterprise number is 0738.383.695
European Lung Foundation's TR ID number in the Transparency Register is: 094039644810-79