Lung cancer

Patient input

A patient advisory group made up of people who have had lung cancer, carers and patient organisation representatives has input into several projects, including:

  • A task force updating guidelines to ensure that patients with lung cancer receive the most appropriate treatment for their individual circumstances
  • A decision aid for patients with stage iii/N2 lung cancer to explore treatment options
  • A task force developing guidelines on improving and maintaining quality in lung cancer care
  • A CRC producing a pan-European digital network to share data on lung cancer with the aim of improving diagnosis, treatment and patient experience
  • An ERS Statement on harmonised standards for lung cancer registration and lung cancer services in Europewhich was published in the European Respiratory Journal in October 2018. It highlights the need for a single dataset for use in pan-European data collection, as well as a manual of standards for European lung cancer services.

Patients have reviewed documents, shared their views and experiences at meetings, and helped to define and set research priorities.