ELF Patient Organisation Network

The ELF Patient Organisation Network is open to all and includes respiratory patient organisations in Europe.

Search for patient organisations, either by region, country or disease, using the filters below. More detailed information is available for the patient organisations that have provided them.

Are you a respiratory patient organisation working in Europe? Would you like to be part of the network? Please take 5 minutes to tell us about your organisation, and we will add you to our network.

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ApneuVereniging Vlaanderen vzw (APNEUVL)
ApneuVereniging Vlaanderen vzw (APNEUVL)

ApneuVereniging Vlaanderen vzw (APNEUVL)

Apnoea Association Belgium Flanders (APNEUVL)


  • Sleep apnoea

Asociación Alfa-1 de España (Alfa-1 España)
Asociación Alfa-1 de España (Alfa-1 España)

Asociación Alfa-1 de España (Alfa-1 España)

Spanish Alpha-1 Patients’ Association (Alfa-1 España)


  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

Asociación de apoyo a personas afectadas por el asma de Bizkaia
Asociación de apoyo a personas afectadas por el asma de Bizkaia

Asociación de apoyo a personas afectadas por el asma de Bizkaia

Association of support for people affected by asthma in Bizkaia



We are a non-profit association created to make visible, sensitize, guide, help, educate and inform people affected by Asthma, family, environment and society in general. Inform, help and defend the needs of asthmatic people and their environment.


Help to cope with Asthma in its different phases and categories. Promote and encourage meetings with professionals, associations or other bodies involved. Raise awareness and make asthma disease visible. Represent the group of people affected by Asthma. Participate in national and international projects and studies related to asthma.


  • Asthma

Asociación de Apoyo e Información a Familiares y Pacientes con Neumonía (NEUMOAI)
Asociación de Apoyo e Información a Familiares y Pacientes con Neumonía (NEUMOAI)

Asociación de Apoyo e Información a Familiares y Pacientes con Neumonía (NEUMOAI)

Association for the Support of Patients with Pneumonia and their Families (NEUMOAI), Spain

NEUMOAI is a non-profit organisation in Spain that aims give visibility and raise awareness about pneumonia.


  • Pneumonia

Asociación de Asmáticos y Alérgicos “Aire Libre” de Granada
Asociación de Asmáticos y Alérgicos “Aire Libre” de Granada

Asociación de Asmáticos y Alérgicos “Aire Libre” de Granada

Association of Asthma and Allergy Patients "Aire Libre" of Granada, Spain

Aire Libre is a not-for-profit organisation of mutual support, with the primary purpose to promote all kinds of actions and care, health and scientific activities dedicated to improving the quality of life of all people affected by respiratory problems.


  • Allergies
  • Asthma

Asociación de Familiares y Enfermos de FPI (AFEFPI)
Asociación de Familiares y Enfermos de FPI (AFEFPI)

Asociación de Familiares y Enfermos de FPI (AFEFPI)

Association of Relatives and Patients with IPF (AFEFPI)

AFEFPI is a national association made up of relatives and patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis (FPF) (cases of IPF that are grouped in families, that is to say, two or more cases in the same family).

The association was created in 2008 in order to join the efforts of all those who in one way or another are interested in the disease (doctors, patients, relatives) who want to collaborate and support those affected by this disease.


  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Asociación de pacientes con EPOC (APEPOC)
Asociación de pacientes con EPOC (APEPOC)

Asociación de pacientes con EPOC (APEPOC)

Spanish patient organisation of COPD (APEPOC)

APEPOC is a non-profit organisation that is included in those regulated by articles 16 and 2 of Law 49/2002, of December 23, 2002, on the tax regime of non-profit organisations and tax incentives for patronage, with its own legal personality, which pursues general interest purposes, and whose objectives, among others, the defense of the rights of COPD patients. All the actions carried out by this association will ultimately aim to improve the quality of life of COPD patients. In order to achieve this objective, it mainly uses two ways: the assistance services to its associates, and the dissemination of the disease as a means to pressure the administrations to invest in quality of life for COPD patients.


  • COPD

Asociación Española Afectadas Linfangioleiomiomatosis (AELAM)
Asociación Española Afectadas Linfangioleiomiomatosis (AELAM)

Asociación Española Afectadas Linfangioleiomiomatosis (AELAM)

Spanish Association of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Sufferers

Founded in 2003 AELAM is focused on giving evidence-based information and support to women affected by Linfangioleiomiomatosis and supporting research to find a cure for this very rare disease that only affects women.


  • Interstitial lung disease
  • LAM

Asociación Española de Afectados de Cáncer de Pulmón (AEACaP)
Asociación Española de Afectados de Cáncer de Pulmón (AEACaP)

Asociación Española de Afectados de Cáncer de Pulmón (AEACaP)

Spanish Association of Lung Cancer Patients (AEACaP)


  • Lung cancer

Asociación Nacional de Hipertensión Pulmonar (ANHP)
Asociación Nacional de Hipertensión Pulmonar (ANHP)

Asociación Nacional de Hipertensión Pulmonar (ANHP)

National Association of Pulmonary Hypertension of Spain (ANHP)

MISSION: Work to improve the quality of life of people with Pulmonary Hypertension and disseminate knowledge of it to the entire society

VISION: To be a reference at a national and international level for families with Pulmonary Hypertension and for entities related to this disease


  • Pulmonary Hypertension

Aspergillosis Trust (AT)
Aspergillosis Trust (AT)

Aspergillosis Trust (AT)

The Aspergillosis Trust is a patient led patient advocacy group and we aim to support sufferers worldwide with all forms of Aspergillosis and to help them understand the disease and its treatments. The purpose of the Aspergillosis Trust is to promote and raise awareness of Aspergillosis in all its forms and to increase the understanding of the condition amongst both the Medical professionals and the public at large.


  • Aspergillosis

Associação Alfa 1 de Portugal (AA1P)
Associação Alfa 1 de Portugal (AA1P)

Associação Alfa 1 de Portugal (AA1P)

Portugal´s Alpha 1 Association (AA1P)

The main goals of AA1P are to:

  1. Contribute to increase the quality of life of the Alpha´s patients
  2. Disseminate information about Alpha1 to civil society and health professionals.
  3. Promote the importance of diagnosis


  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

Associação Brasileira de Apoio à Família com Hipertensão Pulmonar e Doenças Correlatas (ABRAF)
Associação Brasileira de Apoio à Família com Hipertensão Pulmonar e Doenças Correlatas (ABRAF)

Associação Brasileira de Apoio à Família com Hipertensão Pulmonar e Doenças Correlatas (ABRAF)

Brazilian Pulmonary Hypertension and Related Diseases Association (ABRAF)

ABRAF is a Brazilian registered nonprofit organization for chronic lung and heart illnesses patients with no political or religious affiliations since 2006. Its mission is to improve patients' quality of life, supporting them and their families, raising awareness of their disease, collaborating with healthcare providers, and promoting public policies for adequate, accessible treatment.

Based in São Paulo, ABRAF reaches Latin-American and Portuguese-speaking countries. Either in ABRAF’s support groups, helpline, or educational conferences, families receive information on access to social security, treatment, and clinical trials. The community also benefits from researches, awareness campaigns, and advocacy at federal, state, and local levels.


  • Pulmonary Hypertension

Associação de Transplantados Pulmonares de Portugal (ATPP)
Associação de Transplantados Pulmonares de Portugal (ATPP)

Associação de Transplantados Pulmonares de Portugal (ATPP)

Portuguese Lung Transplant Association (ATPP)

The Associação de Transplantados Pulmonares de Portugal (Portuguese Lung Transplant Association) is a Portuguese non-profit organization that intends to support, defend, enlighten and improve quality of life of lung transplanted patients. It also aims to promote the sharing of experiences and information between the patients and candidates to a lung transplant, as well as to present accurate scientific knowledge regarding this medical process.


  • Lung transplantation

Association des patients atteints de Dyskinésie Ciliaire Primitive
Association des patients atteints de Dyskinésie Ciliaire Primitive

Association des patients atteints de Dyskinésie Ciliaire Primitive

The ADCP provides information on Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, advises on medical care, psychology, and, healthcare, supports patients and organises events, supports medical research.


  • Acute lower respiratory infections
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Bronchiectasis
  • COPD
  • Lung surgery
  • Lung transplantation
  • Pneumonia
  • Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD)
  • Rare and orphan lung disease
  • Upper airways diseases

Association des Tousseurs Chroniques (ATC)
Association des Tousseurs Chroniques (ATC)

Association des Tousseurs Chroniques (ATC)

Association of Chronic Cough

Trying to gather all chronic coughers in France and French speaking countries, to have chronic cough recognized as a real illness by the medical world and State Health Administration.


  • Cough

Association Fibroses Pulmonaires France (AFPF)
Association Fibroses Pulmonaires France (AFPF)

Association Fibroses Pulmonaires France (AFPF)

AFPF's aim is to create a broad community of patients suffering from Pulmonary Fibrosis and their loved ones. To support , inform, educate them and promote research on PF.


  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Association Nationale Française Deficit en Alpha-1 Antitrypsine (ADAAT)
Association Nationale Française Deficit en Alpha-1 Antitrypsine (ADAAT)

Association Nationale Française Deficit en Alpha-1 Antitrypsine (ADAAT)

Alpha-1 France (ADAAT)

The ADAAT association brings together families suffering from an alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. We help patients in their health journey. We work with doctors to improve patient care and we help research.


  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency