
Research priorities in bronchiectasis: a consensus statement from the EMBARC Clinical Research Collaboration

Authors: Aliberti S, Masefield S, Polverino E, De Soyza A, Loebinger MR, Menendez R, Ringshausen FC, Vendrell M, Powell P, Chalmers JD.
Published: 2015

Research priorities in bronchiectasis: a consensus statement from the EMBARC Clinical Research Collaboration

Authors: Aliberti S, Masefield S, Polverino E, De Soyza A, Loebinger MR, Menendez R, Ringshausen FC, Vendrell M, Powell P, Chalmers JD
Published: 2015
Patient involvement

Rapid response to observations: patient partnership – patients and healthcare conferences: what does true involvement look like?

Author: Dan Smyth
Published: 2015
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)

Diagnosing primary ciliary dyskinesia; the patient perspective

Authors: Behan L, Dunn Galvin A, Masefield S, Copeland F, Manion M, Rindlisbacher B, Redfern B, Lucas JS.
Published: 2015
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)

Diagnosing primary ciliary dyskinesia; an international patient perspective

Authors: Behan L, Dunn Galvin A, Masefield S, Copeland F, Manion M, Rindlisbacher B, Redfern B, Rubbo B, Lucas JS ,
Published: 2015
Pulmonary rehabilitation

An Official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Policy Statement: Enhancing Implementation, Use, and Delivery of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Authors: Rochester CL,  Vogiatzis I,  Holland AE,  Lareau SC,  Marciniuk DD,  Puhan MA,  Spruit MA,  Masefield S, Casaburi R,  Clini EM,  Crouch R,  Garcia-Aymerich J,  Garvey C,  Goldstein RS, Hill K, Morgan M,  Nici L, Pitta F, Ries AL, Singh SJ,  Troosters T, Wijkstra PJ,  Yawn BP, ZuWallack RL.
Published: 2015
Patient involvement

“Patients Included” in the European Respiratory Society International Congress

Authors: Smyth D, Powell P, Masefield S.
Published: 2015

Web-based learning to support patient advocacy in rare diseases: the European Patient Ambassador Programme (EPAP)

Authors: Masefield S, Cassidy N, Powell P, Fletcher M, Hill K, McDonach E.
Published: 2014
Lung Function Testing

Support Healthy Lungs for Life: holding a spirometry event

Authors: Powell P, Masefield S, Anderson L, Fletcher M.
Published: 2014
Patient involvement

Patient voices at the ERS International Congress 2014: highlighting LAM

Authors: Fletcher M, Bassi I,
Published: 2014

Healthy Lungs for Life campaign: a festival of lung health for the ERS International Congress, Munich and the globe

Authors: Eickelberg O, Fletcher M, Barnes P.
Published: 2014

Development and evaluation of a free online tool to support patient involvement in healthcare (EPAP)

Authors: Masefield S, Powell P, Fletcher M, Hill K, McDonach E
Published: 2014

Development and evaluation of a free online course on core skills for patient involvement in healthcare

Author: Masefield S.
Published: 2014
Chronic Cough

The impact of chronic cough: A European perspective

Authors: Chronic cough Task Force - Chamberlain S, et al.
Published: 2013
Patient involvement

Public and patient involvement in action at the ERS Annual Congress 2013

Author: Fletcher M.
Published: 2013

Listening to the unmet needs of Europeans with COPD

Authors: Powell P, Spranger O, Hartl S, Roberts CM, Fletcher M.
Published: 2013
About ELF

European Lung Foundation: past, present and future

Author: Fletcher M
Published: 2013

Development of the European Patient Ambassador Programme (EPAP)

Authors: Masefield S, Powell P, Fletcher M, Hill K, Butland L, Smyth D, Blackwell N.
Published: 2013