Early life behaviours influence our lung health in later life. The aim of the Healthy Lungs for Life for Schools project is to develop an engaging early intervention educational package. We want to educate young people about the importance of lung health and influence their behaviour to improve their lung health throughout life.

If you are interested in taking part please contact us: info@europeanlung.org. We would love to discuss the project and how it could help you in your local area.

The intervention

As part of the project we want to reach as many people as possible. Activities could involve planning lessons using the activities and resources available below, for free; a visit from a local healthcare professional to deliver the lesson or contribute to the activities; and/or organising a local lung function testing event.

Lung testing events could be held after the sessions in the schools with parents and children invited to come along. They could involve interactive sessions with access to information materials, opportunities to speak with experts and perform spirometry testing for free. Spirometry testing is a simple but effective way to test your lung health. It can also get people thinking about their lungs and what they can do to look after them.


These materials were developed with TWINKL and Sarah McLusky, with support from the CADSET project.

TWINKL are a learning resources development company specialising in education worldwide. The Twinkl resources are also available below in German, Italian, Spanish and Catalan.

We worked with Sarah McLusky to develop complete lesson packs about air quality and smoking for ages 8-11 and 11-14.  These are available below in Italian.

The materials are available free of charge for you to download and use. We would love to know if you have used any in your school and any feedback you might have.

Key stage one (5-7 years old)

Key stage two (7-11 years old)

Key stage three (11-14 years old)

Resources in other languages

Resources from the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization has produced two resources aimed at tackling smoking for schools: